Tenga Air-Tech Twist Tickle and Ripple

Editor’s Pick

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Tenga Air-Tech Twist

Imagine my surprise when I was handed not one but two of the new Tenga Air-Tech Twists – Tickle and Ripple. Never have I wished for two dicks more. In the past I have used Tenga’s Egg series and even reviewed the Ultra Size Onacup so I had a rough idea of what to expect. The real pull to the Air-Tech Twist (or ATT, because be damned if I’m typing that out 30 times) is that unlike the Onacup and to some extent the eggs, they are designed to be reusable. On top of this I rank the Tenga Flip Zero as my current best sex toy, so I thought it would be interesting to see where the ATT series fits in.

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As usual the Tenga packaging is stylish and modern, when I first opened the box I could easily have been looking at a sports product and the design is very minimalistic. The wrapping peels off easily and quickly so that you are left with a black, nondescript black canister with either a red or blue lid. Instead of being smooth the ATT series casing is actually textured which really helps with grip when making adjustments. The build quality seemed much sturdier than the Onacup, and the internal mechanism whilst minimalistic means that the ATT is light.


The first thing it’s probably worth mentioning is the size. The ATT’s insertable length is roughly 16cm, or just over 6” which is deeper than their regular cups but smaller than the Ultra Onacups. The insertable width is roughly 5cm in diameter but as I’ll go into later, the girth of any given cock matters when considering the ATT features.

The material for the ATT is TPE, which is pretty much the norm for Tenga. The material is soft, easily washable and can put out a surprising amount of mileage. By having the ATT set to the loosest setting the sleeves are easily removable and watertight, meaning the plastic outer casing requires minimal cleaning.

There are six settings with which to adjust the tightness, which is changed by twisting the top. The textured grip is quite important as with lube on your hands it can be a burden to change tightness mid-masturbation.

Cleaning the Tenga Air-Tech

To clean the ATT simply pull out the sleeve (this is usually easier on the lowest tightness setting) and rinse it out with warm water. Afterwards I usually pat it dry with a clean towel but that’s entirely up to you (the instructions do say to make sure it is completely dry before storing). That’s pretty much it. Real simple. The outer casing in theory shouldn’t need cleaning but if you do rinse out the inside then be aware that the mechanism makes it difficult to get water back out… but then you shouldn’t need to wash out the outer casing unless something goes horribly wrong.

Tenga Air-Tech in Use

The great thing about the ATT is that it comes with a little potion vial of lubricant. As soon as I opened the packaging I slid out the vial, unscrewed the lid (no cheap half open lube sachets for me) and went to town on myself. It really was as easy as that. The tightness, as mentioned, is adjusted by twisting the top and sure you can be tame and adjust the tightness then use the toy, but if you are a daring and reckless adventurer like me you can adjust the tightness with your dick in the blowjob toy. I have a few comments on this. One: this feels amazing, eerily similar to the real thing as the material grips your dick like it spent the last three years doing Kegels morning, noon and night. Two: The tightest setting might not be possible for you. I found the max tightness just would not cooperate with me. Sometimes it would click back down to almost max and sometimes it would make it very difficult to stroke downwards. This is only a minor qualm because when you think about it logically it just means you only have 5 levels of tightness to choose from. First world problems, right?

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Because the ATT literally has the word “Air-tech” in the name I really should mention the suction. Adjusting the tightness by itself would be great, but when you factor in a compression system this feels intense. The only thing I would mention as a negative is the noise. There is a tiny sticker on the ATT casing at the top which says remove before use, and it helps with the suction. In use this can create a whistling sound, which is not very inconspicuous, particularly when you’re about to come, and the whistling takes on a frantic edge. Again, this is only a small qualm, and you can cover the hole if you wish (though this will change the suction and you will feel a lot of air coming from the vents near the base of the shaft).

I know I haven’t compared yet, but I was actually able to try the Tickle and the Ripple out for the Air-Tech Twist (there I typed it out) and weirdly enough I have a favourite. The Tickle is filled with rugged nubs in varying patterns, which provide tingling pleasure with each stroke. I usually use a cock ring with my strokers so that I get even more sensation and honestly this just feels great. Good job, Tickle: you’re the best.

Just kidding, the Ripple totally kicks the Tickle’s ass. Yes I know this is down to personal preference but the Ripple is made up of a tight weave of spirals and for me the orgasms I was able to have with the Ripple blew the Tickle out of the water. I’ve always been a fan of edging, which the ATT series is perfect for, but with the Ripple what I noticed was that I could gently rotate the toy around my shaft and it blew my mind. It was like going from 2d to 3d: I had found a new axis on my pleasure graph. I also found myself in ecstasy when stroking up and down whilst turning the Ripple, it takes some time to get the technique perfect (and you need to make sure you use enough lube) but O-M-G did I have insane orgasms.


When I started with the Ripple and the Tickle I only anticipated a slight step up from the Onacup with a few more functions and a little more shelf life, but damn did Tenga exceed my expectations. The Air-Tech Twist Ripple/Tickle clocks in at $50 and if I had only $50 to spend on a stroker then hands down I would buy the Air-Tech Twist Ripple over any other toy. I think the only stroker I have which beats the Ripple is the Flip Hole Zero which is $100. Granted I might find down the line that the Ripple doesn’t last as long as the Zero, but it’s utter madness that a $50 toy can do so much. I really can’t recommend this toy enough. Well played, Tenga.


About the Author

Jeff Hernandez

Jeff Hernandez

Hello, my name is Jeff. I consider myself a sex toys fan and expert. I started TopBlowjobMachines.com three years ago to educate people about the various blowjob machines and masturbators that are available to buy. I’ve received tons of emails from people all over the world and I’m glad to have helped everyone out! Blowjob toys have made my masturbation life 100 times better.

It might seem strange for a male to use a blowjob machine but how can something that feels so good be wrong? Girls don’t seem to have hangups about using vibrators/dildos so why should it be the same for males. Once you start using an automatic sex toy you’ll never go back to your hand.

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