Tenga Flex Review

Editor’s Pick

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Tenga Flex Review

Behold the glory of Tenga’s latest dick pleasing invention – the Tenga Flex. You may immediately notice that the casing looks stylish as hell and you would be right. Previously I’ve reviewed the Air-Tech Twist which seems to be the spiritual predecessor to the Flex in many ways, but the Flex has improved on the already excellent Twist series… but I’ll save that for later.

Tenga don’t mess around with their packaging, the Flex is sealed in minimal yet stylish packaging with the product on full display. My first impressions were that I was opening a high-end blowjob toy with excellent build quality which was surprising with the low price tag of £34.99. Inside the packaging there was also a generous sample of Tenga Real lubricant. The lubricant is water based but has unique qualities – it is both stringy yet very slippery, providing an enhanced feeling when used in the stroker. I found I was able to use one sachet over three sessions before switching to my standard water based lubricant. But enough of the packaging… it’s time to get out the ruler.

Tenga Flex Specifications

The Flex comes as 4 components which I’ll try and not be too confusing about in terms of measurements. First, there is the ribbed outer body casing and stand cap. These are made from a tough rubbery material which is slightly soft to the touch. This outer shell both protects the inner sleeve and affords comfortable and sturdy grip during use. With the cap on the total external length of the Flex is around 6.5”, though with the stand cap removed the length drops to less than 6”. The stand cap has a hard plastic component which slots within the inner sleeve when stored and measures 5.5”. The diameter of the external casing is 7” at the middle and 9” at each end respectively. Phew! Moving on to the more juicy specs!
Here’s the inverted sleeve to break up all the measurements!

The removable inner section is the Flex is a white elastomer sleeve which is substantially thicker than previous Tenga products. The elastomer thickness I would estimate at 1cm in most places. The inner sleeve has a 5.5” insertable length which I do feel is lacking in depth, and has two different patterns depending if you have the white or black Flex. The black flex has strong spiraling ribs whilst the white has a gentler pattern within. Both inner sleeves have a hole diameter of 0.6” and the external diameter of the sleeve ranges between 4” at the middle to 5” at the tip. The overall weight of the Flex is roughly 300g which makes it a perfect piece of kit to travel with and to store.

Tenga Flex Use

The unique selling point of the Flex is the spiralling vacuum which is created as you stroke. And oh hell is it good. After lubricating I slid into the Flex and found the centre of the toy contracting with each stroke. When you cover the hole on the top it creates an even stronger sensation of movement and you can feel the inner sleeve tightening around you as you go. I started off using the Flex white which had a soft texture and gave me a relatively good orgasm after a few minutes of stroking. When I used the Flex black I found there were more distinct sensations as the pattern was bolder, and gave me more intense feeling as I stroked. The suction effect can be a little loud at times but I found it was never too excessive unless I really let loose and so it still managed to be discreet in general use. You can also squeeze the outer casing tighter during use to create an even tighter sensation.

I would definitely recommend using a cock ring when using the Flex as it enhances the sensation, at least for myself anyway, and I always found I had much stronger orgasms when wearing one. It’s difficult to rate the orgasm of the Flex without mentioning the Air-Tech Twist. The Flex is tight, in every way that matters, though I never felt that the vacuum was pushing me out so much as pulling me in. With the twist the opposite could sometimes be true, that if the tightness was set too high it actually created too much vacuum and reduced the feeling. The problem I find with comparing two Tenga products is you’re generally comparing an intense orgasm with an intense orgasm – apples and other sexually pleasing apples. Either way, I am very happy with the Flex. One thing I did try (for science!) was to try the sleeve without the outer casing and holy hell it’s still amazing, it’s a little messier with the lube seeping out. Using the sleeve as a stroking device allows for stronger orgasms as you can pull harder into the sleeve compared to the limits of the Flex’s outer casing. I’ll probably add a disclaimer and say that this may damage the inner sleeve because it probably can, but damn if it isn’t a good orgasm.


After use, cleaning is a doddle. The way the Flex is designed allows you to remove the inner sleeve without needed to clean the outer casing. I loved this feature as with the Air-tech Twist sometimes a little lubricant made its way to the outer casing and then it became a faff to get all the water out of it. Not the case with the flex. Simply take out the inner, give the outside of it a rinse, then invert it and clean the inner with warm water*. To dry the lid can be inverted to create a nifty stand which will air dry the Flex or you can towel pat dry if you’re impatient. After the sleeve is dry you can easily flip the cap back into its original shape, and slot the inner sleeve back into the casing. The best way I found to do this was to twist the Flex against the spiral design gently so that the opening became wider.

*you can also just clean the toy by rinsing the inside without inverting it, which may reduce damage to the material but I’ve always done it this way so just be wary.


As always Tenga have delivered a high quality, affordable product clocking in at only £34.99. Due to the thicker material on the sleeve it’s clear that the Flex will last longer before degrading than previous models, and I am yet to see any real damage to the sleeve even with the tough love I’ve been giving it. I definitely recommend this product to try as it has bumped the Air-Tech Twist off the top spot of my strokers. If I had one complaint it would be that the toy isn’t very deep at only 5.5”, which is fine for stroking but when it comes to orgasm it’s always better if there’s an extra inch or two to thrust into. I preferred the white casing over the black casing in terms of aesthetics but the sleeve from the black seemed far superior to me than the white, so I swapped them over. It all will come down to personal preference in terms of what stimulation you prefer so it might be worth buying both and seeing which one gets you to the best place. At such a low price I feel it’s not a bad investment and you can use both within a short time instead of having to clean one between uses.


About the Author

Jeff Hernandez

Jeff Hernandez

Hello, my name is Jeff. I consider myself a sex toys fan and expert. I started TopBlowjobMachines.com three years ago to educate people about the various blowjob machines and masturbators that are available to buy. I’ve received tons of emails from people all over the world and I’m glad to have helped everyone out! Blowjob toys have made my masturbation life 100 times better.

It might seem strange for a male to use a blowjob machine but how can something that feels so good be wrong? Girls don’t seem to have hangups about using vibrators/dildos so why should it be the same for males. Once you start using an automatic sex toy you’ll never go back to your hand.

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