Top 5 Blowjob Machines

Great sex doesn’t always have to involve another person. Strange as that sounds, please just hear me out. Male sex toys, often lovingly referred to as ‘blowjob machines‘, have revolutionized the way that men think about (and have) great sex. It wasn’t all that long ago that the sex toy industry was dominated by toys designed for women and women only. Other than the cock-rings, I suppose, which let’s get real – those were designed with women in mind too.

Autoblow A.I. Blowjob Machine
  • Autoblow A.I.
  • Best Blowjob Machine
  • Sleeves can be interchanged
  • Industrial strength motor
  • Does NOT require batteries
  • Hands free blowjob machine
  • Sleeves are easy to clean
Kiiroo Onyx+ Blowjob Toy
  • Kiiroo Onyx+
  • Best Blowjob Masturbator
  • Vibrating Sex Toy
  • USB rechargeable
  • 100% Hands free
  • Sliding scale of speed
  • Easy to clean and store
F1s Developer's Kit
  • F1s Developer's Kit
  • Best Blowjob Toy
  • Hands Free
  • No Batteries Needed
  • Powerful Motor
  • Body-Safe Silicone Sleeve
  • Easy to clean

But in the past decade or so, the light bulb finally went on. Someone thought ‘Wait a second… men like pleasure too. (duh!) Let’s make some fun and sexy toys for men too!’ Okay, not sure what the actual thought process was, but I’m sure it went something like that. Point being, men finally have an arsenal of arousing toys on the market with which to make them roar with joy. Literally.

And since I have done the back-breaking, soul-crushing work of trying most of them out (tough life, I know…) I’m going to share with you my own list of the top 5 blowjob machines on the market today so that you can invest that hard-earned cash into only the best pleasure out there.

The Autoblow A.I.

1st PlaceBest Blowjob Machine
A.I. Blowjob Machine
A.I. Blowjob Toy

Not every guy is lucky enough to get a blowjob whenever he wants it. I know – you’re probably thinking “Some guys are lucky enough to get a blowjob whenever they want it? Is this a joke?” And the answer is, surprisingly, ‘no’, this isn’t a joke, and ‘yes’ some guys can get blowjobs whenever they feel like getting one. But before you get all bent outta shape because you’re not one of them (yet), you should probably know that I’m talking about a blowjob from the Autoblow A.I.: The absolute top-of-the-list, must-have blowjob machine.

When no one else will go down on you, or you don’t feel like resorting back to your own two hands (yet again), this automatic blowjob machine is the one thing you can count on. You can also count on the Autoblow A.I. if you’re like me, and just think that most partners aren’t worth half the trouble they come with. And no matter what, this blowjob machine will never complain that it’s too tired, or ever turn you down when you’re in the mood for a good ol’, mind-blowing orgasm.

What is the A.I. blowjob robot?

Designed by the legend of a man Brian Sloan, (this guy once held his own ‘most-beautiful vagina’ contest and actually had women sending him photos of their beautiful pussies from all around the globe) who not only understands what a man needs in this particular department, but he basically created this department when he came up with the Autoblow A.I. – a male sex toy that feels as close to the real thing as I believe is honestly possible.

But if you’re anything like me, you’re probably a little skeptical. I know, I know… a blowjob MACHINE that feels just like a real mouth hoovering away? It seems far-fetched. Which is why I invite you take a look at the A.I. promotional video from their product site – an informative introduction to the machine that is making headlines around the world for its innovative technology and incredible sensations.

Blowjob Robot Intro Video

Click Here To Visit The Official Website For More Information

What makes it a cut from the rest?

Not all sexy-time innovations are created equally, and if you’ve tried the worst it’s undoubtedly difficult for you to imagine how good the real deal actually feels. And by real deal I do, of course, mean the A.I. blow job toy. If you’ve tried the rest, it’s time for you to try the best.

With the A.I., I can get someone (something?) to go down on me at any time I please. At just the push of a button, I can make it feel as though I have someone sucking the life out of my gorgeous member, taking me all the way to kingdom come.

But what actually makes the A.I. a cut above the rest? I’ll admit I was a little dubious about it the first time we met, but nothing a little “getting to know you” couldn’t resolve. As an automatic blowjob machine, the Autoblow A.I. is designed to be used completely hands-free. I’ve tried many other wank machines in the past, some that even have claimed to be hands-free, but the A.I. is the only one that actually gets the job done without using my own two hands to guide it.

Sensations never felt before with a blowjob machine

The incredible skin-like material inside is top of the line. And their newest patent pending gripper and sleeve can create sensations never before felt in a male sex toy machine. PLUS (and this is where it gets really cool!) Sloan and his team analyzed tons of porn videos with algorithms and artificial intelligence technology to actually duplicate the movements of real blowjobs – guaranteeing that this is going to be the closest thing you can get to a real blowjob. The only difference is that the A.I. can go on all day and night.

Unlike that woman you hooked up with, the A.I. will be willing to deep throat you whenever you wish, no questions asked. And she (it) won’t ever have to stop because she can’t handle it anymore (of course always JUST as it starts to feel SO GOOD for you). So go ahead, push right down to the hilt and let the machine do all the work for you.

And this incredible male masturbator also comes with a motor that is built to last. Boasting three times the strength of their previous motors (and half the noise!) you can bet you will have fun with the A.I. for a very long time. Anytime you need to let out some pent-up sexual desires, all you need to do is just lube up, slide it in and then switch it on. I’m telling you… this is something you don’t want to miss out on!

The A.I. Blowjob Simulator Features

Unlike other masturbators, this male sex toy does not use batteries. Plugged directly to an electrical outlet, you get to enjoy full power every time. You can bet there will be no interruption mid-stream or just as you’re getting to the most exciting part, which is likely to happen with battery-operated pleasure devices. With this much power, expect non-stop enjoyment. The motor is built to last, but of course, the main concern will be if YOU can keep up with IT.

But not only does it feel good, the A.I. makes clean up and hygiene simple. After all, clean is sexy, no doubt about it. And with a toy that lets you fire up and be swallowed without question, you need to keep it thoroughly clean. The interchangeable sleeve system allows for easy cleaning and reuse. You only need a toy cleaner or soapy water to sanitize and get the machine ready for the next action-adventure session.

Click Here To Visit The Official Website For More Information

The A.I. Blowjob Robot Pros and Cons

A.I. Blowjob Machine Pros

  • Edging button (aka “pause”) – Brand new to this version of the Autoblow, and something I’ve been dying to see on a toy – is the pause button. One of the best ways to increase your stamina (AND your pleasure) is to get yourself as close to orgasm as possible, and then stop for a few minutes before starting again. This helps you last longer in bed, but it also increases the pleasure of your orgasm at the same time. Win/win, right? However, this is the first toy on the market that actually remembers your settings when you push the pause button. No fiddling with dials each time you stop – the A.I. remembers your preference and picks up right where you left off. #gamechanger
  • Sleeves can be interchanged – If you’re anything like me, you believe that variety is the spice of life. Which is why I love that you can buy different sleeves that reveal different entrance ways… tired of getting blowjobs and just want real sex? Switch the sleeve from a mouth to a pussy. Simple.
  • Sleeves are easy to clean – Take it from me – there are many toys on the market that are basically giant breeding grounds for bacteria (and odours). Think about the sticky mess you’ll have left after a feel-good session… If you can’t slip that sleeve out for cleaning, you’ve got a real disaster on your hands (pun intended). These sleeves come out for easy cleaning with a toy cleaner or simply soap and water.
  • Does NOT require batteries – For once – a blowjob-giver that you can’t even keep up with! Because the A.I. plugs directly into the wall, you’ll never have to worry about it running out of juice mid-session. It can go just as long (okay, longer) than you ever can.
Ohhh… wait, there is more
  • 100% Hands Free – All you have to do is lube up, slip this bad-boy on, and sit back and relax. Because it’s completely hands-free it feels a lot more like the real thing since you’re not doing any work. And the new gripper makes it feel like a real hand AND mouth going to town on your member for the best blowjob of life.
  • Robust Construct – It’s no doubt that you’re going to want to use this toy a lot… so it’s a good thing that this blowjob device was built to last! Just like all the other toys by this brand, it will be around for a long time to come!
  • Powerful (but quiet) motor – I’ve been a long-time fan of the Autoblow family of toys, but the one complaint I’ve had in the past is the sound of the motor. It wasn’t exactly the most discreet toy I’ve ever used. And thankfully, that is something that the makers addressed with this version. The motor is super quiet now, but the strength has actually increased. Nice combination if you ask me!
  • It uses actual blowjob techniques from real women – Artificial intelligence technology has finally been used for something that I feel is worthwhile! And of course- that’s a blowjob machine! The A.I. has been designed after their team watched 6000 minutes of porn, inputting data of what was happening in the blowjob scenes to computer algorithms which then identified a variety of real blowjob patterns. So there truly is no other more realistic machine out there!

A.I. Blowjob Machine Cons

  • Can’t be used in the shower or hot-tub – The fact that it plugs into the wall should make it pretty obvious that you can’t bring it into the shower, hot-tub or any other place full of water.
  • Difficult to travel with – Because of the size of the machine, and the fact that it does plug into the wall, it’s not the best toy for me when I’m going away for the weekend or on a vacation. But that’s when I can dip into the rest of my arsenal of pleasure toys anyway.
  • Only one sleeve texture – This is only partially a con, because although there is only one type of sleeve texture, that one kind feels great. That being said, however, you’d think that on a product where you can change the size and orifice of the sleeve, you’d be able to change the texture inside. But maybe that old saying fits here – ‘Don’t fix what ain’t broken’.
  • Hard to hide – If I told you this pleasure machine was small and discreet, I’d be outright lying. It’s actually a fairly big machine, so you’re going to want to have a good space to store it away. As I already mentioned, find yourself a nice shoebox and line it with an old shirt or cloth to make it a bit more discreet and easy to store.

Click Here To Visit The Official Website For More Information

A.I. vs. Kiiroo Onyx+

Unlike the X40 Water Pump, the Kiiroo Onyx+ is completely hands-free which for me, adds a little bit in the pleasure department. The fact that I’m literally just sitting back and relaxing is always a selling point for me. But compared to the A.I. blowjob machine? Well, they’re just not really the same class of pleasure craft. It feels pretty good, but nowhere near the same level. I guess it just depends on your needs. For example, if you take good care of your teeth, you probably have both a toothbrush AND dental floss. Or mouthwash. They’re for similar purposes, but you still need both. Catch my drift?

A.I. vs. Lelo F1s Developer’s Kit

Out of all the cock sucking machines on the market, the Lelo F1s Developer’s Kit is probably the A.I.’s closest competitor. You don’t need to plug it into the wall – you can charge it via a USB cable and it will last for up to 2 hours, it’s got a pretty powerful motor, and it’s fully automatic. The biggest difference I found was that the sleeve on the F1s Developer’s Kit is missing that realistic orifice to enter into. That being said though, I’ve heard of other guys who think that design is easier – so I guess it’s just personal preference. The Autoblow A.I. though has come a long way in realistic stroking feelings, and that’s something that I haven’t found in any of the other blowjob machines – not to this capacity anyway.

A.I. vs. The Head Exciter

I do love the Head Exciter, (although I’m unsure about the name). The vibrations are something that I wasn’t sure I was going to love, but it does a pretty damn good job of getting me off, so I’ll say I was pleasantly surprised. That being said, when you’re comparing it with the Autoblow A.I. you’ve got two incredibly different pleasure machines. The Head Exciter gives you about 3 inches of sleeve to stick your member into – so as the name suggests, it focuses more on just the head of your cock. It feels good, but to me there’s nothing quite like the feeling of my entire shaft being sucked and stroked.

A.I. vs. X40 Water

I was never OVERLY lacking in the size department, but being bigger has still always had its appeal (I KNOW I’m not the only man who feels this way). So I gave the X40 Water Penis Pump a run for its money. I gave it a try, and true to its name, it pumped my penis. It looked incredible, if I do say so myself. And the best part? Is that not only was it even more beautiful to look at, but the process felt good too! I mean, it’s not got me shooting off like fireworks (because it doesn’t have the same stroking motion as the Autoblow) but if it feels good AND gives me a huge, long-lasting erection I’m all for it.

A.I. Masturbator Buyer’s Guide

Autoblow AI Cover

What Lube Is Best Fitted?

First of all, you must understand that lube is absolutely necessary. Not only does lube increase the realism factor – but more importantly it also ensures you don’t get something akin to rug-burn on your most precious body part. 😉 And because of the delicate, silky smooth, amazing material that the sleeves are made of, use water-based lube. Other lubes such as silicone or oil-based lubricants can begin to deteriorate over time.

How Do I Clean It?

It’s simple! Honestly, one of the best parts of the A.I. is how easy it is to clean! I’ve tried other male masturbators in the past that were so obnoxious to clean that it didn’t even seem worth it for the 5 minutes of pleasure I got out of it. With this machine you just slip out the sleeve insert, dump out the contents, and then clean it out with soap and water. Leave it out to air dry, and you’re done!

How do I Store it Properly?

Once you’ve cleaned the sleeve, make sure that you let it dry 100% – the last thing you want is to store it away wet and find that it smells the next time you take it out. So once it’s dry, I recommend using the box that the blowjob machine came in to store it away. Or alternatively find a shoe box that you can line with an old t-shirt. Something that will help to soak up any moisture that may be left in the sleeve so that it doesn’t create a smell or mildew. Essentially, keep it covered so that it is free from collecting dust and debris which can harm the delicate skin-like material of the sleeves.

What It Feels Like?

It feels like a dream. Okay, that’s vague, I know. How about – it feels like a blowjob. A blowjob that you can get whenever you feel like it. You can make it last as long as possible, or get off in a minute flat. The choice is yours. With the smooth, silky interior of the sleeve, the A.I. technology, and the new and improved gripper arm (mixed with a bit of lube of course), it’s difficult to tell it apart from the real deal. But until you try it, you won’t know just how realistic it really is, no matter how long I jabber on for.

Personal Experience

I would say that I’ve tried most of the male sex toys on the market. And the A.I. is made with some crazy technology I never would have believed would even exist a few years ago. Despite being one of the largest toys on the market with the big casing, it is absolutely my favourite. Vibrations and simple stroking are great, but the new technology of the gripper, mixed with real-life blowjob techniques are insane. Plus, there is a mode that allows the A.I. tech to choose the way to give you a blowjob. So just like the real thing, you don’t know what’s coming next. Combined with the pause button, I assure you that you’ll be the happiest man alive once you give this toy a go! Just be sure to go easy the first time around, or you’ll blow your load way faster than you intended.

Click Here To Visit The Official Website For More Information

How to get the most from the A.I. blowjob toy experience?

  • Use lube – I said it already, but I’ll say it again. You’re going to want to use lubricant. Use a water-based lubricant to protect the skin-like material AND to make the cleaning process super easy.
  • Move around – I don’t mean wiggle around on the bed or couch. I mean try it in different places! Try it lying down on the bed, lounging on the couch, or even sitting up at the dining room table. Different positions give different sensations. Play around with it!
  • Watch porn – The A.I. feels pretty damn amazing. So getting off won’t be an issue. That being said, watching a bit of your favorite porn, especially some POV blowjob shots, will make the entire experience that much more realistic.
  • Prolong ejaculation – Have you heard of edging? If you haven’t, learn about it. It’s essentially the act of bringing yourself as close to climax as possible, and then stopping. Then repeat. Do it as many times as you can before you literally want to explode. When you DO explode, it’ll be one for the books! Plus as an added bonus, this practice will make you last longer when it comes to the real deal.
  • Have fun! – Be creative! Because the device is fully automatic, it leaves your hands free to roam! Try stimulating other areas of your body at the same time. Or buy a few different sleeves so you can imagine sticking it in different orifices. This is called a sex toy for a reason – enjoy it!

Overall Experience With The A.I. Blowjob Machine

Still think you’re too manly for the Autoblow A.I.? You should give automatic a chance… and then reconsider. Just one time with this masturbator and you will never be the same again.

From the moment you feel that slippery, smooth material on your cock, you’ll know what I’ve been ranting on about. It may not look exactly like the real thing, what being cased in a white and blue plastic-like container, but damn does it feel like it. The patent pending gripper inside, sliding up and down the shaft mimicking the true feeling of getting your cock sucked. And it’s honestly unbelievable.

I’ve heard many times ‘I don’t need that, I can get laid whenever I want’ or ‘Sex toys are for women’. And to those skeptics I say this – even if you CAN get laid whenever you want – can you guarantee that you’re going to get the best blowjob of your life every time? (didn’t think so) Even for those of you in a relationship, the A.I. still has its place. And I can guarantee you that this is a sex toy for MEN, not women. But until you try it, you’ll never know. And honestly, you’ll be missing out.

Click Here To Visit The Official Website For More Information

Kiiroo Onyx+

2nd PlaceBlowjob Robot
Kiiroo Cover

Do you want to sleep with a pornstar? This blowjob machine can make your dreams come true! In my KIIROO Onyx+ review, I’ll answer all your questions about my new favorite sex toy:

  • How did I discover the pleasures of interactive stimulation?
  • Who should get KIIROO Onyx+?
  • Is this blowjob machine worth the money (and hype)?
  • Read on to find out!

Onyx+ Blowjob Simulator Intro Video

What Is an Interactive Blowjob Machine, Anyway?

Male pleasure devices have come a long way since fake vaginas. Now, your gadget can sync up with your companion. The Onyx+ will recreate the same explosive sensation your partner is experiencing in real time.

Whether it’s your long-distance girlfriend, a hot cam girl, or an immersive porno – the sky is the limit! Here is how the device works:

  • Download the FeelConnect app. Don’t worry – it’s compatible with both Android and iOS!
  • Turn on your Onyx+. It’ll be in the interactive mode by default.
  • Finally, select “Connect a device” from the drop-down menu. Ta-da – your phone is now paired with the masturbator!
  • My Experience With Interactive Play
  • A blowjob machine can give you better orgasms, develop your stamina, and provide unforgettable sensations.

But sex isn’t fun just because of the orgasms. It’s the ultimate interactive experience. So, if you feel other sex toys are lacking, the Onyx+ should be perfect for you. I loved the ‘sleep with a pornstar’ aspect of it. There is so much immersive content out there!

FeelMe is KIIROO’s own platform and a great all-around choice. Still, once you’ve exhausted their catalog, there are tons of other options. Check out some of my favorites (and thank me later):

  • FeelXVideos has an enormous collection of raunchy interactive porn. And yes, all of your favorite pornstars are there – Tanya Tate, Romi Rain, and Lisa Ann, to name a few.
  • Pornhub is an obvious choice. It’s free, and there are 1200+ interactive videos on the platform.
  • Naughty America offers a few awesome interactive videos at an excellent value for your money. While it can’t compete with the sheer number of videos on other platforms, the high quality and affordability set it apart.

And here’s another tip: The internal sleeve of the device is held by a ring, which is convenient because it makes cleaning up a breeze. But please (oh, please) don’t take off the ring with your fingertips or nails. It hurts like hell! Instead, learn from my mistake and use a blunt object. Spoon handles work pretty well!

Come Together (No Matter Where You Are)

Kiiroo Onyx Plus Cover

The one demographic that should, without a doubt, opt for interactive sex toys: people in long-distance relationships!

But what if you don’t have a bae in another country/state? Cam girls, my boy! An increasing number of them offer an interactive experience. Some sites to check out include MyFreeCams, Chaturbate, and Flirt4Free.

Kiiroo Onyx+ Review: Final Verdict

This blowjob machine will sync up to every stroke of your lover, favorite cam girl, or lustful pornstar… Yes, please! But let’s take a look at the Onyx+ pros and cons before giving a final verdict.

You will love that:

  • It can sync up with interactive erotica (but also your chick’s vibrator).
  • The sleek design makes it discreet (it can pass for a Bluetooth speaker).
  • It’s incredibly powerful (whether it’s in the interactive, manual, or automatic mode).
  • It’s lightweight and easy to clean (making it the perfect travel companion).

What’s the downside?

  • It’s an investment. Then again, what can give you a better return than investing in yourself?

This blowjob machine takes pleasure to the next level. So, my final verdict is – why don’t you already have it? Get it today and let it blow your mind!

Lelo F1s Developer’s Kit

3rd PlacePenis Sucking Toy
Lelo F1s Developer's Kit Cover

LELO’s next-generation blowjob machine lets you take pleasure into your own hands. Deep stimulation by sonic waves, sophisticated app control, and over two hours of play per charge… Sparks your interest, right? Read on for my comprehensive LELO F1s Developer’s kit review. I will cover:

  • F1s Red perks and weak points (for instance, the one-of-a-kind app control and sextech platform)
  • The technology behind the explosive sensation
  • Using F1s Red to reach your best orgasm ever (in other words, why it’s better than a real blowjob)
  • The Blowjob Machine of the Future
  • This male pleasure machine looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. But should you trust it? Boy, oh, boy! What does a great BJ feel like?

A sweet, tingling sensation on your shaft? Her tongue moving in circles, speeding up and slowing down? Or maybe watching her mouth go up and down? F1s Red can give you all the pleasure of a perfect blowjob but deeper!

F1s Blowjob Toy Intro Video

Sonic Waves: The Secret to Your Best Orgasm

It’s all in the dual-motor technology. Unlike other male pleasure machines, with F1s Red pleasure waves reach beyond the surface. How?

The SenSonic™ technology provides powerful sonic waves, while the Cruise Control feature prevents decelerations. This way, it doesn’t just tingle your skin like a normal blowjob. Instead, it activates deep nerve endings for a sensation that leaves you breathless.

But no, it doesn’t feel like Megan Fox sucking you off. It’s decidedly better!

The Developer’s Kit

Lelo F1s Cover

F1s Red can be controlled in offline mode. The simple two-button design allows you to increase or reduce the vibration to the best level for your pleasure. And yes, you can do that with one hand only!

However, you can also fine-tune your experience with the LELO app. The application is available for both iPhone and Android. Use it to personalize the F1s Red vibration to a level of perfection.

But it gets better: With open-source SDK, your imagination is the only limit. The world’s first sextech platform gives you full control over your pleasure. I’m pretty sure that playing around with this cutting-edge technology can bring sensations you never even imagined!

Lelo F1s Developer’s Kit: Pros Vs Cons

The F1s Red is an investment in your best pleasure. But how do you know it’s right for you?

Here are all the perks you’ll enjoy:

  • Unique sonic waves for 360 degrees of pleasure.
  • Transparent window to watch the action. Is it just me or does this supercharge your arousal?
  • Cruise control keeps an eye on the motor for consistent wave intensity. Say goodbye to nasty decelerations!
  • Silent but strong – you won’t believe a toy this discreet can be so powerful!
  • Fine-tune device settings with LELO’s app… Or add your own twist with the open-source developer’s kit!
  • Fully waterproof and easy to clean. It even comes with a cleaning spray!
  • Two hours of pleasure with every charge. (Not that anyone can last that long with the F1s Red!)

Then again, there are some downsides:

  • It’s very ‘techy-looking.’ While I love the sophisticated design, I see how some might prefer a more realistic look. Only compatible with water-based lube, as greasier lubricants can damage the texture inside (and you don’t want to ruin how amazing it feels.)

Is Lelo F1s Developer’s Kit for You?

The ground-breaking technology of F1s Red will satisfy you like never before. Personally, I can’t even compare the experience to any other male sex toy. The deep sensation that F1s Red provides… Well, you have to feel it to believe it!

This is why my final verdict is: Everybody needs this baby in their arsenal!

Ready to take your pleasure to the next level? Learn more about LELO F1s Developer’s Kit and get the world’s best blowjob machine today!

Xtreme Head Exciter

4th PlaceBlowjob Simulator
Xtreme Head Exciter Blowjob Toy

The name says it all. Well, okay, there might be a slight confusion as to which head we’re talking about, but considering that the Xtreme Head Exciter is a male pleasure device, I would bet that for most it’s pretty clear that it’s the head ‘down there’. Unlike other blowjob machines, this baby focuses only on the head instead of the entire shaft as well. Which of course, makes it high on the ‘tease’ scale since, if you think about it, it’s only the head of your penis that will get the royal treatment. That being said, however, don’t doubt the ability of the Xtreme Head Exciter to get you off.

With this vibrating knob gobbler, you only need to lube up the head of your cock, stick it in the masturbator and sit back like a king being royally cock-sucked by a number of harems who switches you from one puckered mouth to the next. The sucking action doesn’t stop until YOU let up. The Xtreme Head Exciter does all the stroking, thrusting and licking for you. Kama Sutra stance has nothing on this pleasure device when you want your head to be given undivided attention.

How does it work?

Holding still isn’t something this toy has an inkling of. Once you fire it up, you can enjoy a lot of vibration that comes in two speeds, aptly named ‘Hummer’ and ‘Whip’. No doubt, the Xtreme Head Exciter will give you the cock-sucking and whipping action that you need. But what I really love about it is the fact that I can change the speed in the middle of the action. A little variety goes a long way, and there are times when I want to start out slow and end up with a mind-blowing zoom. You can change the speeds with just a slide of the controller.

The Xtreme Head Exciter is definitely a head game changer.

But get this; the toy has one majorly awesome function – thrust. Imagine not being the one thrusting yet still enjoying the satisfaction. From slow to a thrusting frenzy, you will be firing heavy rounds with the Xtreme Head Exciter in no time. To ensure that your fantasies don’t get muddled with the fact that you have an automatic knob gobbler in your hand, the toy has a rippled texture that stimulates every ridge and ripple you have. 3 inches of soft, slippery and tight texture on the inside of the machine invokes a realistic feel, giving you that same experience of when a soft mouth closes in on you for a tight and snug fit, and allows you to explore and touch every corner. As the up and down motion starts, you just can’t help but let the sensations rule over your head.

The Xtreme Head Exciter is battery powered, which might be a downside at some point. There is that possibility that the pleasure toy would slow down or stop mid-session. Rather than think of it as a bad way, consider it as an opportunity to give your hands free-rein once in a while. Or just, keep a few rechargeable batteries charged up at all times to ensure that you never have to stop before you’re actually ready to do so.

Not to sound like an ads specialist without a sex life, but the Xtreme Head Exciter is definitely satisfaction guaranteed.

X40 Water Penis Pump

5th PlaceBlowjob Pump
X40 Water Penis Pump Blowjob Machine

Does size really matter? The answer usually depends on who you’re asking, and science has a wide range of explanation. Some people, however, think it’s all about the performance. Based on a study, most women are satisfied with whatever weapon their partner has. That being said, the owner of a member whose size doesn’t measure up may not feel the same way.

Shit, who am I kidding…

Of course size matters. Of course I want my date to be blown away just by looking at my pleasure rod, even in its flaccid state. This may be a result of watching Magic Mike too many times, but a good-sized dick can make a huge difference. (Pun definitely intended.)

So, thank the heavens for the X40 Water Penis Pump. This is all you need to be the envy of men and the desire of every woman. Through the use of water and the power of suction, you can be the next Samson in the state championship contest of Who Has It Bigger and Longer. This could also be your opportunity to finally make someone choke for the very reason that you have too much of everything. When your partner can barely manage to deep throat you because of your massive size, you’re completely entitled to sit back and act like the King that you clearly are.

The X40 Water Penis Pump is designed to increase shaft length and help sustain a stronger erection for longer. With 35% more power than other penis pumps, it is guaranteed to give you the size that you want. And, with long-term use, you can go longer too.

The X40 Water Penis Pump is larger and more powerful

Compared to its predecessor, the X40 Water Penis Pump is larger and more powerful, with the ability to hold up to 0.71 liters of water, which is what you need to encourage growth. Since it is a hydraulic penis pump, it is safe to use while soaking in the tub or while you are in the shower. Just be careful about which accessory (gator) to use. The X40 Water Penis Pump has ultra-soft insert pads that ensure a solid seal and a safety valve designed for quick suction release.

Think this is just another bogus penis enlargement device that will quickly raise your hopes up and then deflate it just as quickly?

This baby promises results in just 60 days, provided of course that you follow the correct exercise regimen. Unlike getting an erection, freezing that erection and turning it into your next base line takes some effort. The good news is, with the X40 Water Penis Pump, work is basically synonymous to a solo erotica session… although it doesn’t always turn out to be shooting contest if you catch my drift.

However, if you do use the X40 Water Penis Pump with the Bathmate Pleasure Rings or you get lucky one day and some sexy chick offers to give you a hand, any exercise can turn out to be a sexually laden action-packed session.

How long and large can the X40 Water blowjob machine take you?

The device can accommodate an 11-inch boner with a girth of 7.7 inches. Such impressive numbers would give any man a reason to celebrate. This means, if you’re still far off the mark, long-term use will help you reach the maximum size and diameter. Just imagine all the WOWs you will get. And while all those gorgeous ladies gush about you, you’ll be thinking about how they can accommodate you.

Just spend 15 minutes with the X40 Water Penis Pump and you will already see results. The pump comes with a measurement gauge display that will tell you instantly if you are growing. Continue using it and you will not only achieve an impressive erection, but prolonged and sustained power in the sexual play department. Longer and bigger beats better performance any time, although you would score big if you’ve got the moves to go with the high-powered weaponry.


About the Author

Jeff Hernandez

Jeff Hernandez

Hello, my name is Jeff. I consider myself a sex toys fan and expert. I started three years ago to educate people about the various blowjob machines and masturbators that are available to buy. I’ve received tons of emails from people all over the world and I’m glad to have helped everyone out! Blowjob toys have made my masturbation life 100 times better.

It might seem strange for a male to use a blowjob machine but how can something that feels so good be wrong? Girls don’t seem to have hangups about using vibrators/dildos so why should it be the same for males. Once you start using an automatic sex toy you’ll never go back to your hand.

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