Embracing the Balls Is A Must!

Editor’s Pick

Autoblow A.I. Blowjob Machine
  • Autoblow A.I.
  • Best Blowjob Machine
  • Sleeves can be interchanged
  • Industrial strength motor
  • Does NOT require batteries
  • Hands free blowjob machine
  • Sleeves are easy to clean
Kiiroo Onyx+ Blowjob Toy
  • Kiiroo Onyx+
  • Best Blowjob Masturbator
  • Vibrating Sex Toy
  • USB rechargeable
  • 100% Hands free
  • Sliding scale of speed
  • Easy to clean and store
F1s Developer's Kit
  • F1s Developer's Kit
  • Best Blowjob Toy
  • Hands Free
  • No Batteries Needed
  • Powerful Motor
  • Body-Safe Silicone Sleeve
  • Easy to clean

We should start with something funny:

This post assumes that you have made it past putting “icky” things in your mouth, getting into the proper sexy mindset, and making your way down the treasure trail. It’s crucial that you feel comfortable giving a blowjob, otherwise even the best technique won’t make you every guy’s fantasy woman.

Ok, well a good blow job is a good blow job but what I’m aiming for is being the girl he fantasizes about years later when he’s thinking about the best head he’s ever had. Just having that attitude of “I want to want to suck you off like no one has ever done before” will get you far.

Don’t believe me? I bet you half the guys who just read those last two sentences got a little hard. Attitude is everything.

Attitude is what gets the average-looking girl all the male attention in a room full of bombshells with DSL’s. When you have an enthusiastic attitude toward sex, goddamnit it shows. You know what I’m talking about, those women out there who seem to ooze sexsexsex out of every pore. You know those women like sex and that they know what they’re doing.


I know it’s taking me a while to jump back into the technique involved, but I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH how important an enthusiastic attitude about sex is. It can make or break you.

For those of you who don’t particularly like giving head but are great troupers and do it anyway: keep doing it. Keep practicing. The more you do it, the better you get at it, the more he gets off on it, the more you enjoy it. It feeds into itself.

Time to get hands-on.

I like cock. I like to take it all in, in every possible way. I like devouring the mass of it with my eyes-and making sure he sees me savoring it-then devouring it with my hands, and I mean ravishing his cock with my hands.

This is not a time to be a delicate flower. You’re about to suck his dick. Gentle won’t do.

Take his dick in both your hands and really feel the expanse of it. I don’t care if this is the same guy you’ve been sleeping with for ten years. (Um, especially in this case, actually) Approach it like you’re enjoying it and appreciating it for the first time. Run your fingers and then palms and finally whole hand up and down the shaft. Do this a couple times, increasing pressure/coverage each time.

Play with the tip of the head a little bit. Circle a fingertip around the ridge, over the opening-scoop up that little bit of pre-cum and lick it off your finger while you’ve got the sex eyes really coming out in full. You can alternate between going full-on with hand pressure and then stopping to do something teasing like this, or you can be firm with one hand and playful with the other at the same time. Variety keeps him on his toes.

After he’s made it obvious he enjoys what you’re doing [note to the male readers out there: you know how you like it when we moan? Well we like it when YOU moan, so stop being so fucking quiet and help us out a little bit over here, eh? Don’t make us drive blind.] make your way downward.

I’m embarrassed to admit I was nineteen before I found out that guys like it when we pay attention to the testicles. I was twenty-one when I found out that guys REALLY like it when you have one in your mouth and suck on it. Hmm. Fascinating. [Where were all the sex blogs when I was figuring all this stuff out, huh?] I think it’s safe to say that in general guys want us to pay more attention to the balls.

Start by fondling his balls with one hand while you’re stroking his shaft with the other hand. If this is your first time doing this to your guy, go a bit slowly and watch his reaction to make sure you aren’t weirding him out (actually, this is a good rule in general with a new guy, no matter what you’re doing to him. But if you’re going to scare the holyFUCKwoman out of him, at least do it for something good, like sticking a dildo up his ass (more guys like that than will admit to it, by the way. But that’s another post).

Now with the balls you need to have a lighter hand than with his dick. The boys can be sensitive. Cup one in your hand and lightly massage it with your fingers. If he enjoys this, then cup the other one in your hand and continue. [Note: there is a huge variety in testicle size among guys, and this has no correlation to the size of his dick. The balls can change size and “hanging height” significantly throughout the course of sex. Personally I prefer smaller testicles because then it’s easier to tend to both at the same time.]

[Another note to the male readers: we appreciate a little maintenance in the pubic department. That doesn’t mean shaving, but just keeping things neat and tidy with a trim. Nothing ruins the moment like when a girl has to stop sucking you off to pull a pubic hair out from between her teeth. For fuckssake, if you’re a hairy bastard, help us out a little here and spend some quality time with a pair of scissors. Now not all women will agree with me-many like the hairy men. Just not nessarily below the belt. Ask her what she thinks. She may not care, or she may care a lot but not know how to bring it up.]

In addition to kneading the balls, mix it up with lightly pulling them away from his body. And I do mean lightly. Again, guage his reaction here. If he shoots you a what the fuck look, pretend you were just exploring and move along to something else (like sucking him off. That will always make a guy forget whatever dumbass thing you just did-jeez, why do you think I’m so good at it?). A lot of what I’m saying in this post varies between guys. One will love what another throws you out for. I’m trying to bring up everything so you have a good inventory to pull from.

As a precursor to sucking his dick, start licking the balls. At first lick one up and down with your tongue while you continue fondling the other in your hand. Gradually begin to take the entire thing into your mouth, if possible (there are some enormous testicles out there! If there’s simply too much, save the effort for the dick instead). Once it’s in your mouth, alternate between licking it directly with your tongue and juggling it around inside your mouth. It’s ok if the whole thing doesn’t fit in your mouth, just take in as much as you can.

From there manuever the skin to be taut against the testicle so you can suck on the it at maximum sensitivity. With your tongue push the testicle around inside your mouth while maintaining a slight suction. Hopefully at this point he’s moaning and playing with your hair and wondering what he did to deserve his balls in your mouth.

Throughout this you need to be giving him sex eyes, those eyes that say “I can’t wait to feel your cock in my mouth.”


About the Author

Jeff Hernandez

Jeff Hernandez

Hello, my name is Jeff. I consider myself a sex toys fan and expert. I started TopBlowjobMachines.com three years ago to educate people about the various blowjob machines and masturbators that are available to buy. I’ve received tons of emails from people all over the world and I’m glad to have helped everyone out! Blowjob toys have made my masturbation life 100 times better.

It might seem strange for a male to use a blowjob machine but how can something that feels so good be wrong? Girls don’t seem to have hangups about using vibrators/dildos so why should it be the same for males. Once you start using an automatic sex toy you’ll never go back to your hand.

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