Yes, You Can Get Infections from a Blowjob Simulator

Editor’s Pick

Autoblow A.I. Blowjob Machine
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  • Best Blowjob Machine
  • Sleeves can be interchanged
  • Industrial strength motor
  • Does NOT require batteries
  • Hands free blowjob machine
  • Sleeves are easy to clean
Kiiroo Onyx+ Blowjob Toy
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  • Best Blowjob Masturbator
  • Vibrating Sex Toy
  • USB rechargeable
  • 100% Hands free
  • Sliding scale of speed
  • Easy to clean and store
F1s Developer's Kit
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  • Powerful Motor
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Blowjob Simulator

“I thought blowjob toys are safe to use! How can they give me infections?”

This might be the first thing that pops into your mind when you read the heading above. But we’d like to set things straight: by themselves, oral sex machines are perfectly safe to use. They’re made of high-quality ingredients that have been tested to be safe on skin (particularly your penis’s skin!), and they have to pass quality assurance tests before they’re released into the market.

The problem lies in the maintenance of your blowjob simulator. If you don’t clean your sex toy after using it, it can become a reservoir of different types of bacteria. If you don’t properly store it, mice and cockroaches in your home might check it out, leaving different microorganisms on its surface. Of course, if you share your toy with somebody else, it can pass on bacteria and viruses from that person to you.

Types of Infections That a Blowjob Simulator Can Pass On

There are two major kinds of infections that your blowjob simulator can give you: skin infections and sexually transmitted infections (or STIs).

Skin Infections

The skin on your penis contains a certain kind of bacteria, (just like the skin on the rest of your body), and they can stick to the interior of your blowjob toy through the rubbing motion between your dick and the toy.

These bacteria are okay in small doses; after all, they naturally live on your skin, and you don’t see yourself getting sick every day, right? But, when you allow them to grow to large numbers (like when you don’t take a bath for a long time or when you don’t clean your blowjob simulator properly), they can cause rashes and other nasty things to develop on your penis’s skin.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

These usually develop if you share your blowjob machine with another guy, particularly if you share the same sleeve and don’t wear a condom while using the toy. Even you clean the machine after using it, it’s still not safe since many bacteria that cause STIs cannot be killed by soap and water.

The best thing to do is to buy a blowjob machine for yourself only. If one of your friends asks to borrow it, gently tell them that you don’t want to share for health reasons or jokingly remind them not to be an ass and buy their own. Tell them that it’s a good investment: by having their own oral sex machine, they won’t have to wait for you to finish using it, and they can enjoy mind-blowing BJs whenever they want!

Preventing Infections When Using a Blowjob Simulator

Staying away from infections is easy as long as you know what to do. Here are some of the tips you can use to stay healthy and safe when using your blowjob simulator:

  • Clean your toy before and after using it. Don’t think about the hassle; think about the infections you’ll get if you won’t do so! You can make this process easier by buying a machine that has a removable sleeve and can be cleaned with simple soap and water.
  • Store your toy properly. If you don’t place your food just anywhere, you also shouldn’t let your blowjob machine sit in a spot where cockroaches, mice, and other critters can crawl all over it.
  • Never, ever share your oral sex toy with other people! As mentioned above, it’s an easy way to get sexually transmitted infections. No matter how close you are to your friend, you never really know who his sexual partners are and if they’re free from STIs or not, so it’s better to err on the safe side.
  • If someone uses your blowjob toy without your permission, replace the sleeve with a new one. Never reuse the sleeve that another person has used – unless you want to wear a condom every time you use your toy! If your machine doesn’t come with a removable and replaceable sleeve, it’s probably time to buy a new one.


About the Author

Jeff Hernandez

Jeff Hernandez

Hello, my name is Jeff. I consider myself a sex toys fan and expert. I started three years ago to educate people about the various blowjob machines and masturbators that are available to buy. I’ve received tons of emails from people all over the world and I’m glad to have helped everyone out! Blowjob toys have made my masturbation life 100 times better.

It might seem strange for a male to use a blowjob machine but how can something that feels so good be wrong? Girls don’t seem to have hangups about using vibrators/dildos so why should it be the same for males. Once you start using an automatic sex toy you’ll never go back to your hand.

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